
Effective as of: December 1, 2024


Classification Credit up to 48 mos 49 mos to 60 mos 61 mos to 72 mos 73 mos to 84 mos
730 and over A+ 4.99% 5.24% 5.99% 6.49%
680-729 A 5.49% 5.74% 6.49% 6.99%
640-679 B 7.24% 7.49% 8.24% 8.74%
600-639 C 10.99% 11.24% 11.99% 12.49%
550-599 D 12.99% 13.24% 13.99% 14.49%
549 or less E 15.99% 16.24% 16.99% 17.49%

Auto Terms Limits

Terms Limits
$15,000.00 + 61 months to 66 months
$20,000.00 + 72 months To 83 months
$30,000.00 + 84 months +

Recreational Vehicles

Classification Credit up to 84 mos 85 mos to 144 mos 145 mos to 180 mos
730 and over A+ 7.99% 9.49% 10.99%
680-729 A 8.49% 9.99% 11.49%
640-679 B 10.24% 11.74% 13.24%
600-639 C 13.99% 15.49% 16.99%
550-599 D 15.99% 17.49% 18.99%
549 or less E 18.99% 20.49% 21.99%

Recreational Vehicle Terms Limits

Terms Limits
Up to $25,000.00 84 months (7 years)
$25,001.00 - $100,000.00 120 months (10 years)
$100,001 + Up to 180 months (15 years)

Recreational Vehicle loans include: Motorcycles, RV’s, Campers, Boats, Jets-ski’s, four-wheelers, tractors and all personal property with UCC filing & insurance.

Signature Loans

Classification Credit APR* Eligible Limit
730 and over A+ 12.50% $10,000.00
680-729 A 13.50% $10,000.00
640-679 B 14.50% $8,000.00
600-639 C 17.50% $5,000.00
550-599 D 19.50% $2,500.00
500-549 E 22.50% $1,000.00

*Annual Percentge Rate

Holiday & Anything Loan Special

Range Score Rate Maximum
730 and over A+ 4.75% $5,000.00
680-729 A 5.25% $4,000.00
640-679 B 6.00% $2,500.00
600-639 C 9.75% $1,500.00
550-599 D 11.75% $1,000.00
500-549 E 14.75% $1,000.00
under 500     Not Eligible

Real Estate Loan Rate and Terms

Mortgages - MyCUMortgage Call for current rate 10-year
  Call for current rate 20-year
  Call for current rate 30-year
Land Loans 6.00% - 13.50% 10-year
Home Equity Line of Credit Fixed Rate Prime Rate + 0.50% 2-year draw with up to a 5-year repayment
  Variable Rate Prime Rate - 0.50% 5-year draw with up to a 10-year repayment
Home Equity Loan 8.00% 5-year
  9.00% 10-year
  10.00% 15-year

*Annual Percentage Rate. Rates are subject to change. Does not apply to existing Credit Union loans. Your rates may vary from the above rates and are determined by your credit history.
Maximum Terms allowed are based on amount borrowed, call the Credit Union for more details. Federally Insured by NCUA. Equal Housing Lender. Credit Union NMLS #410538

Other Loan Rate and Terms

Share Secured Rate + 2% 84 months
Share Certificate Secured CD Rate + 2.0% 84 months
Tuition Reimbursement 10.00% 5 months (balloon pymt)
Credit Builder Loan 9.50% 12 months

Credit Cards

Platinum Visa - Variable (balance transfer 6.90%) 9.90% 680 + (A+, A) $15,000.00
    640 - 679 (B) $7,500.00
Classic - Variable (balance transfer 10.90%) 13.90% 600 - 639 (C) $3000.00
    550 - 599 (D) $2000.00
    500 - 549 (E) $1000.00

Savings & Checking Account Rates

Account Type Min. Balance Rate APY*
Share Savings $5.00 - $499.99 0.05% 0.05%
  $500.00 - $4999.99 0.07% 0.07%
  $5,000.00 - $149,999.99 0.10% 0.10%
  $150,000.00 + 1.50% 1.51%
Accumulation Share** $50.00 5.00% 5.12%
IRA Share Account $0.00 - $200,000.99 0.25% 0.25%
  $200,001.00 + 2.00% 2.02%
Money Market $2,500.00 - - $200,000.99 0.50% 0.50%
  $200,001.00 + 2.00% 2.02%
Golden Checking $0.00 - $999.99 0.00% 0.00%
  $1000.00 - $150,000 0.25% 0.25%
  $150,001 + 0.50% 0.50%
Youth Share Savings Account (for members under age 18) $5.00 0.25% 0.25%
  $500.00 0.35% 0.35%
  $5,000.00 0.45% 0.45%

Rates are subject to change. Please check with the Credit Union for current rates. Federally insured by NCUA. The share account requires a minimum balance of $5.00
**Accumulation Shares have a $50.00 opening balance. Deposit of $20.00 is required monthly. Once the balance reaches $550.00, the account is converted to a 3 month certificate.
*APY - Annual Percentage Yield.


(IRA Certificates available for 1, 2, 3 and 4-year)

Term Min. Balance Rate APY*
3 Month $500.00 1.50% 1.50%
6 Month $500.00 4.75% 4.85%
1-Year $500.00 4.50% 4.59%
2-Year $500.00 2.80% 2.84%
3-Year $500.00 3.00% 3.04%
4-Year $500.00 3.10% 3.14%

Rates are subject to change. Please check with the Credit Union for current rates. Federally insured by NCUA.
Penalty for early withdrawal. Dividends are paid monthly and are calculated on the actual daily balance.
*APY - Annual Percentage Yield. Rates as of the date of the notice are subject to change.